This post first appeared at the Biblical Counseling Coalition
Resistance to Authority A 15-year-old counselee (“Jen”) informed me that she had no intention of cooperating with counseling unless I would help her to emancipate. I did not agree with her ultimatum, nor did I agree that she should pursue emancipation, but I did agree to research the ins and outs of emancipation. This was not the first teen I have counseled who has mentioned wishing they could emancipate, but this was the first one who was completely serious about it. I needed to educate myself, and so the two of us sat side by side at the computer and looked up the California legal requirements to emancipate. We learned the following: To get a declaration of emancipation, you have to prove ALL of these things:
It is not unusual for a teenager to want to move outside of her parent’s authority at some point during the teen years. When she googles “emancipation” she sees it means that her parents no longer have control over her and her decisions. That sounds good to a struggling teenager! Legal emancipation is unlikely in most of the cases we counsel because there needs to be a very good reason for it. Much to my counselee’s disappointment, hating your parents is not considered a good reason. Clearly there is something deeper going on with Jen. Biblical counseling with teens must target the heart but not before we gain a clear understanding of the situation. A teen does not proclaim her independence because of hatred for her parents without cause. It is important to spend time gathering data. It is possible that a teen’s parents truly are mistreating or neglecting her in some way. This should not be assumed, but it should be investigated through careful discussions with both the teen and her parents. Often the teen is simply displaying a resistance to authority that has less to do with her parents than it has to do with her understanding of authority. Resistance to authority is where Jen and I found common ground. This is where all of us can find common ground! At the heart level, you and I are no different than my counselee who wants to emancipate from her authority. When we avoid God and go our own way and sin, we are doing the same thing. The Blessing of Authority Authority truly is a blessing! My counselee certainly has not seen it this way because she has looked to her parents to meet her expectations. She considers herself a Christian, but she has not yet been discipled in many areas of her struggles. This is where biblical counseling steps in. “Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work” (Titus 3:1). As we talked for a few sessions, it was clear that my counselee was looking for some sense of peace, but she was looking for it in all the wrong places. She believed that peace would be found in removing herself from authority. As people continued to reject and disappoint her, she became convinced that the only hope was to get out from under the weight of the situation. Submitting to Authority Submitting to God’s authority is the answer to my counselee’s wish to be emancipated. As she surrenders to Him she will be able to come to know the peace that is only found in Him. Authority is a hard concept for many, not just teens. Walking carefully through Romans 13 with a believing teenager can be impactful as it teaches that God’s call to show love, honor, and respect to others represents how God designed His kingdom to function. According to Scripture, authority ought to be submitted to, because all authority has been established by God (Rom. 13:1). This includes one’s parents, regardless how badly a teen wishes to escape this fact. A teen must also come to realize that rebelling against (or trying to run from) authority is rebelling against God (Rom. 13:2). These are hard but necessary truths when you are walking alongside a teen who wishes to emancipate. It is helpful to teach a teen that despite what may be truly poor parenting (I am not talking about abuse here), God assures us that respect, kindness, and submission are part of His plan (1 Thess. 5:12-18), and failure to follow this plan results in further decline of the family relationship. Rejecting God’s Authoritative Word After counseling Jen for a few weeks, she fled. She wanted so badly for counseling to offer her an escape, but she was unwilling to receive counsel unless it would help her to emancipate. Her parents would not partner with me in the counseling process, and it seemed as if so many strikes were against Jen. Ultimately, she quit keeping her appointments and I have not heard from her since. Pray for Jen, and scores of other teens who are suffering in difficult parental relationships and feel that there is no escape. Jen may give a verbal profession of faith, but she is still resistant to authority. In her lack of spiritual maturity, she struggles to find the purpose in her suffering and to look beyond her circumstances towards the hope found only in the gospel. Questions for Reflection Have you known a teen who wants to emancipate? Were you able to offer hope and if so, how? Have you seen a bit of yourself in Jen, too?
10/18/2017 05:20:13 am
My son asked a judge if he could emancipate. At thirteen our son had a drastic behavior/paradigm shift. He had trouble falling asleep his whole life and trouble waking up. But at thirteen it became intense. His sleeping patterns caused trouble with his education as he would refuse to get up in the mornings. Countless trips to the doctor and sleep clinics got us no where medications were offered and we at first resisted. As his behavior escalated he blamed us for all of his troubles. His rebellion became drastic with threats of death. One afternoon the police were called to calm him down and he threatensed our life and the lives of our other children to the officer. He was arrested and taken into custody. He was finally out of our home at 15. He had what he thought would make him happy. At 17 a pituitary tumor was found after demanding a MRI. Symtematic at 1-2 mm His was 17. After having an operation. He was no longer “angry all the time” but he had found heroin in treatment. He is now 25, in prison with a broken spine from his continued resistance to authority. It was that accident that took the life of another friend and shook him to his core. He is now beginning a walk with Christ. Whether it be because of parenting or medical cause rebellion is still rebellion and the consequences are still the same. Parenting this son has driven me to my knees where I stay clinging to the robe of Christ. I am thankful for the lessons in this deadly storm that almost destroyed our family. I am thankful for the saving power of Christ and I am thankful for Gods faithfulness. These last 12 years have changed me and I will never be the same person. But my ability to look at storms as passing and no longer camp in them has become amazing! I am thankful for so many lessons. My counsel to other moms with rebellious children is to always respond in love and not to react. I wish I had had a mentor. But through those storms God did not provide one for a reason. We did not fit the mold. The one person that tried began counseling my husband assuming he had no relationship with our son therefore he rebelled... that was not the case. Another assumed because he was on medication... the rebellion started long before we gave into medication. Gods truths stand. When we as mentors or as counselors are faced with rebellious teens please do not assume anything. God has a plan and a purpose and it may not be for this moment to understand. Standing beside a grieving parent whose son or daughter is causing such heartache is so important in the church. Praying with them and encouraging them. People tell me “think of the testimony he will have”. Whether he has one or not, whether my son ever gives his testimony is not my concern... that is his journey with Christ. I can not expect or insist he give. All I can do is give mine.
10/18/2017 06:46:42 am
Nancy, thank you for sharing your story. I have lived a similar story with my own family. We may not always know what God is doing in our situations, but we do know that He is always faithful and trustworthy! Blessings to you.
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The archives of previous posts reflect many years of ministry. I have changed or grown in some of the views portrayed here...we should all be growing! But my heart for caring for those in the church who are suffering or caught up in difficult struggles has never changed. Ellen Archives
March 2024